1. Does my business need to be of Latin-ownership in order to be registered in tuPlaza?
No, your business doesn't need to be a Latin-owned Company to be registered in tuPlaza. Though one of the main goals of tuPlaza is to celebrate Latin-Companies & Latin-Teams, your business doesn't need to be a Latin-Company to be listed. We encourage creating profiles for team members in your company who are part of the Latin-Community or speak some of the native languages from the region, such as Spanish.
2. Can I register more than one account in tuPlaza?
Yes, you can register as many accounts as you’d like, but each one of them must be associated with a different email or Facebook/Google account. Please note you can also have more than one business profile linked to a single tuPlaza account.
3. How do I add a business in tuPlaza?
To add a new business to your tuPlaza account:
Log into your tuPlaza account and click on the "Add a Business" button on the upper right area of your screen
Follow along with the instructions, including information on the name of your business, the type of business you have, and other related questions that will help us promote your business to the community
You will receive an email notification once your company has been verified and published on tuPlaza
4. I'm not able to register a business not located in the Los Angeles area. Why?
Currently, tuPlaza is only available in the Los Angeles area, but we will soon expand our service to more places.
If your business is located outside the Los Angeles area, we invite you to register on our waiting list to notify you when we begin serving your area. For that, please fill out the form at https://tuplaza.com/waiting_list/new
We look forward to having you join tuPlaza as soon as our service becomes available in your city.
5. Can I add new locations to my business profile?
Yes, to add a new location to your business profile:
Log into your tuPlaza account and click on the business profile which you need to add new locations
Click on “Edit business” button
On the right section of the screen, you will see a column with a list of your business profile sections. Click on "Locations"
Click on "Add a Location"
Fill out all the data of the location you want to add, and when you finish, click on the "Create Location" button at the bottom right of the page
After this, the new location should appear on your profile. To add more locations, repeat the process.
6. What is the "Team" section of your tuPlaza business profile?
Your tuPlaza account offers you the Team section to provide your potential customers with a more personalized experience. In this section, you can highlight each person who works in your business, including their name, title, brief bio, description of their work, where they live, hometown, languages they speak, social media, phone numbers, and a photo. Celebrate your teams' diversity!
To add, edit or delete team members, follow these steps:
Log into tuPlaza
Click on the name of your business. If you have more than one company registered in your account, click on the name of the one you want to edit its team members
Click on "Edit business"
You will see a menu of your business profile sections. Click on "Team"
Click on "Add a person" Next, enter all the data of this person. When finished, click on the blue "Create Person" button in the lower right corner of the page; you will see the added person's profile on your business profile.
If you already have people of your team registered in your profile, but you want to edit some of their information, you will see the names of the people registered with two buttons bellow their profile. To modify a person's data, click on the corresponding "pencil" icon, then change that person's information. When finished, click on the blue "Update Person" button in the lower right corner of the page.
If you already have people of your team registered in your profile, but you want to delete one of them, you will see the names of the people registered with two buttons bellow their profile. To delete a person, click on the corresponding "Trash can" icon. You can't undo this action, so you will be asked if you are sure to delete that person. After your confirmation, the profile will be deleted from your team.
7. Can I sign up in tuPlaza using my Facebook or Google account?
Yes, you can either sign up or log in to tuPlaza using a Facebook or Google account. Be confident that tuPlaza will not publish any content you have on Facebook or Google.
To Sign up using your Facebook account:
Visit tuPlaza.com and click on "Sign up"
Choose the "Log in with Facebook" option
Authorize Facebook to use your account in tuPlaza by clicking on the "Continue as..." button
You can log in to tuPlaza every time you wish to visit the site. If you are a business owner, we encourage you to add your business. If you are not a business owner, you can add recommendations for your favorite businesses and find Latin-Companies near you
To Sign up using your Google account:
Visit tuPlaza.com and click on "Sign up"
Choose the "Log in with Google" option
Select the Google account you want to use to sign up in tuPlaza
You can log in to tuPlaza every time you wish to visit the site. If you are a business owner, we encourage you to add your business. If you are not a business owner, you can add recommendations for your favorite businesses and find Latin-Companies near you
8. What should I do if I forgot my password?
To recover access to your account if you forgot your password:
Go to https://tuplaza.com/users/login
Click on the "Forgot password?" link located below the Password text field
In the Forgot your password? page, enter your email address, and click on the "Send Now" button
Log in to the email account you used to sign up in tuPlaza and look for the message we sent you with the subject: "Reset password instructions." Once you receive this email, click on the "Reset my Password." button. NOTE: In case you do not see our message in the Mailbox or Inbox of your email account, please look for it in the Spam or Junk Mail folder
After clicking on "Reset my Password," you'll go to the Change your password page, where you should provide a new password, confirm and save it
With your email address and your new password, you'll be able to log into tuPlaza again.
9. What is the Headline of my profile?
The Headline of your business profile tells your potential customers a short description of your business.
Your Headline can include what your business offers, what benefits it provides to your customers, what makes it stand out from the competition or what you would like your customers to think about it. The Headline should encourage your visitors to continue reading the entire profile and learn more about your business.
We suggest including keywords in your Headline. Keywords are words or phrases someone would put in the search engine to find your business.
Some examples of great headlines:
Compassionate Fertility Clinic in Los Angeles
Authentic & Delicious Oaxacan Cuisine in Pasadena
Our lawyers fight for you every step of the way
Create your own fantastic Headline!
10. What is the Profile Photo?
This is the main photo for your business and appears on your profile and search results. Use your logo or other identifiable image unique to your business. For best results, use an image at least 570 x 380 pixels in size.
11. What is the Cover Photo?
Cover photos can highlight your business and services. You can enter up to 5 cover photos, so show off your business and great work! For best results, use an image at least 1020 x 680 pixels in size not exceeding 12MB and in JPG, PNG, or GIF format. This photo will appear differently according to the device where the profile is displayed, so be sure to keep all the essential content in the image's lateral areas.
12. How to add an Offer in your tuPlaza business profile?
Premium and Premium Plus accounts of tuPlaza have the option to promote your business offers. To add an offer:
Log into your tuPlaza account
Click on the name of your business. If you have more than one business registered in your account, click on the name of the one you want to add an offer to
Click "Edit business"
You will see a menu of your business profile sections. Click on "Offers"
Click on "Add Offer"
Please fill out as many details about your offer, including its type, expiration date, details, terms, and conditions. You can also upload a photo to promote your offer. For best results, use an image at least 580 x 390 pixels in size not exceeding 12MB in size and JPG, PNG, or GIF format
Once you have provided the complete information of your offer, click on the blue "Create Offer" button located at the bottom of the page
The offer you created will appear in the Offers section of your profile.
13. Adding Categories & Services to my business profile
When you first create a business profile in your tuPlaza account, you will need to select your business's Primary Category.
You will also be able to enter as many categories and services that match your business. You can do this as follows:
Log into tuPlaza
Click on the name of your business. If you have more than one company registered in your account, click on the name of the one you want to edit its team members
Click on "Edit business"
You will see a menu of your business profile sections. Click on "Categories & Services"
You can use the search box on this area to find and select as many categories & services as you'd like. The more, the better! as long as they match what your business offers.
If you cannot find the exact category or service you need, you can enter it via text under Specialties. Enter as many items as you'd like.
Make sure to click on the blue "Save Changes " button located at the bottom of the page to make sure all changes are saved and reflected on your profile.
IMPORTANT: Add all the categories and specialties related to your business because the more you add, the easier it will be for potential customers to find your business.
14. Can I substitute the email address used at signing up in tuPlaza with a new one?
Yes. To change your registered email address in tuPlaza:
Log into tuPlaza with the email address you used at signing up
Click on the "Account Settings" link located at the top right of your dashboard
Enter the new email address in the "Email" field. IMPORTANT: Make sure you write the new address correctly and verify that you have access to that email account, otherwise you could lose access and your tuPlaza account. The new email address should not be already associated to another tuPlaza account
Enter your password in the "Current Password" field
Click on the blue button "Update User" at the bottom of the page.
From now on you must use the new email account to log in, you will also receive all the notifications of tuPlaza in the new email address.
15. How can I delete a business profile from my tuPlaza account?
Before deleting a business profile in tuPlaza, keep in mind that this is an irreversible action and that you will not be able to recover the data of your profile once it has been deleted. To comply with laws and regulations, tuPlaza needs to receive from you a written notice to request deletion of a business profile. Please send the deletion request to info@tuplaza.com.
You can create a new business profile, but you will need to enter all relevant info as previous data will not be saved.
16. I wrote a recommendation for a business, but I can’t see it. Why?
When a user submits a business recommendation, it is first reviewed by the corresponding business profile administrator to ensure the text complies with the Terms of service of tuPlaza. Once approved, then this will be published and become visible to all the tuPlaza community. If the recommendation doesn't comply with tuPlaza Terms of service, it won't be published to keep tuPlaza's community safe and enjoyable.
17. How does billing for Premium accounts work?
Our yearly Premium plans offer two billing options:
You can make one payment via credit card. You will receive a 20% discount when you select this option
You can make 12 monthly payments via credit card. There is no discount on this option
You can view your current Premium subscriptions by following these steps.
Log into tuPlaza
Click on the Accounts Setting tab on your profile
Click on Subscriptions
If you have additional questions, give us a call at (323) 345-6511 or email us at info@tuplaza.com. We look forward to answering your questions.
18. I have a question, but I can't find anything related to it in these Frequently Asked Questions.
If these Frequently Asked Questions do not clarify a doubt or concern you have regarding tuPlaza, please contact us through the page https://tuplaza.com/contact or send us an email to info@tuplaza.com, and we will gladly answer your questions.