Emprendedores#Emprendedores #entrepreneurs #comidamexicana #mexicancuisine
Still needed for public transportation
Went twice to Buenos Aires#argentina
One of my favorite classes in the UK dance studios are Erica's!
Bringing on the latino vibes into Europe!
In New York City#wine #winetasting
I have been in some cities in Mexico, Brasil, Guatemala & Colombia but really want to visit many more cities if I'm able!
I'd love to go to Guadalajara, Goiânia & Buenos Aires!
#guadalajara #goiania #buenos aires #argentina #mexico #brasil
Is March mostly spring across the world?
The longer I spend in this city, the more I love it
#london #londres #uk #bigben #westminster #viajar #migrar #argentinosporelmundo #argentinosenuk #city #tuplazaviajes #tuplazalatinos