Amigos de Goiânia, recomendação ótima de restaurante: La Bottega Dell'Arte
Especialmente para vegetarianos, veganos e celíacos.
Curta-metragem que mistura realidade com ficção e aborda diversos assuntos de interesse coletivo e social, como a desigualdade, o desperdício alimentar, o problema do lixo e da pobreza. Mostra ainda como a economia tem papel fundamental e direto na qualidade de vida das pessoas.
Top 10 places to celebrate Carnival in Brazil!
Estômago (2007)
"The world is made of those who eat and those who get eaten. Raimundo Nonato, our protagonist, finds an alternative way: he cooks. He cooks first in a bar, then in an Italian Restaurant and then in prison - how did he end up in jail? He cooks and learns how to get by in a society divided in two between those who eat and those who get eaten. What he learns, are a series of rules he uses to his advantage: in the end, the cook must also get his share of food and only he knows which part tastes best. Estômago is an adult fable on power, sex and cooking."
Pizza da domino's!! Sério que tem gente que chama de dominós?
A chamada "jantinha" irá se tornar Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial de Goiânia
Por mim comeria todos os dias
Um programa perfeito: almoço à beira mar com os pés na areia e comidinha nordestina.
It is originally French but to be honest, they made a great job cultivating this grape, the taste of both Argentinian and French Malbec are very different