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Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Music Travel Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Picture of Ghosts (2023)

A multidimensional journey through time, sound, architecture and filmmaking.

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Os filmes que postei hoje e mais alguns foram pré selecionados para avaliação no Oscar! Vem prestigiar nosso cinema!

#filmesnacionais #filmebrasileiro #cinemanacional #cinemabrasileiro #cinema #peliculas

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 1+ y

Travel Latino-culture Entertaiment View more
Goiânia • Spanish, Portuguese, English 1+ y

🇦🇷 Argentina Travel Latino-culture Paintings Architecture Buenos Aires View more

Can you believe this is a shopping mall? Galerias Pacífico in Buenos Aires.

@Galerías Pacífico

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

September Mornings / Manhãs se Setembro (2021)

The life of a trans woman who has just gained her independence takes an unexpected turn when an unknown son she had with a woman ten years ago shows up out of the blue.

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Novo Cangaço (2023)

Descontente com a vida e precisando de dinheiro para cuidar do seu pai adotivo doente, Ubaldo, um bancário sem memória da sua infância, recebe uma herança que mudará sua vida. Em Cratará, no meio do sertão cearense, ele se tornará o líder de uma perigosa gangue de assaltantes de banco, cumprindo o destino e o legado do seu pai biológico, um mítico cangaceiro.

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Novelo (2021)

Knitting (O Novelo) is the story of five brothers abandoned in childhood by their father. Given the death of their mother years later, the brothers end up being raised by the older brother. In adulthood one day they receive the news that an elderly man has been found beaten and is in a coma in an ICU. In the waiting room of the Hospital, the brothers immerse themselves in their conflicts and memories and, through knitting, learned in childhood.

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Travel Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

El Elegido 2023

Jodie, un niño de 12 años de Baja California, México, descubre que tiene poderes parecidos a los de Jesuscristo: puede convertir el agua en vino, hacer caminar a los lisiados y, tal vez, ¡hasta resucitar a los muertos! Mientras los líderes evangélicos del pueblo intentan que use sus poderes para salvar a la humanidad, todo lo que Jodie quiere es impresionar a la chica que le gusta y enfrentarse a los matones. A medida que Jodie lucha y acaba aceptando su destino, todo se descontrola cuando descubre la verdad en torno a su identidad...

#serie #seriesdenetflix #series

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 1+ y

Latino-culture Entertaiment View more
Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Entertaiment View more
Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

La Amiga de mi Amiga / Girlfriends and Girlfriends 2022

They are in their thirties but live just as they did in their twenties. They are in love with love but, in their search, they tear each other apart, wandering from ex-girlfriend to ex-girlfriend, from relationship to relationship

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

I Feel Good With You / Me Sinto Bem Com Você (2021)

Five love stories in quarantine times. Five loves of different formats and origins. Five stories about the importance of a company that makes you feel good in the midst of chaos.


Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Vale Night 2022

Tired of dealing with the responsibilities of her first child, Daiana decides to take a "Vale Night" to spend the night with her friends, but for that she needs to leave the child with the child's father. Vini, also bored, decides to take the baby to the funk party, where everything goes well until he loses the boy and goes in search of the child throughout the community, putting himself in unusual and fun situations so that Diana doesn't notice anything.

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

While My Guitar Gently Weeps / E Além de Tudo Me Deixou Mudo o Violão 2013

The movie follows the journey of Erica, a 14-year-old girl in Brazil, as she navigates her mother's struggles and finds her way through music.

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 1+ y

Music Latino-culture Art View more
Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Marte Um / Mas One (2022)

A lower middle class family undergoes a series of challenging and profound changes, reinventing themselves and their family ties along the way.

#LGBTQI+ #brasil

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Music Latino-culture Art Entertaiment Brazilian Carnival View more
Goiânia • Spanish, Portuguese, English 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Latino View more

what can I say.. it's the celebration where you get to eat the best food!

#festajunina #Festa junina

Curitiba • Spanish, Portuguese, English 1+ y

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