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Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture View more




Pé de moleque


Qual o seu top 5?

#Festa junina #festajunina #June party

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

06/19 Brazilian cinema day!

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Alguns filmes nacionais para celebrar o mês do orgulho!

#pride #pridemonth #orgulho

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Coisa de Menino (2023)

Série que traz um olhar profundo sobre a criação de meninos em diferentes cidades do Brasil, através de famílias que seguem rígidos padrões de gênero e outras que tentam quebrar os moldes, questionando os pilares da sociedade brasileira.

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

“O Território” fornece um olhar imersivo sobre a luta incansável do povo indígena Uru-eu-wau-wau contra o desmatamento trazido por posseiros, grileiros, garimpeiros e outros invasores de terras na Amazônia brasileira. Com uma cinematografia inspiradora e um design de som ricamente texturizado, o filme leva os espectadores para dentro da comunidade Uru-eu-wau-wau e oferece acesso sem precedentes às queimadas e desmatamentos ilegais causados pelos invasores em terras protegidas da Amazônia. Parcialmente filmado e co-produzido pelo povo Uru-eu-wau-wau, “O Território” se baseia em imagens verídicas capturadas ao longo de três anos, enquanto a comunidade arrisca sua vida para montar sua própria equipe de mídia na esperança de buscar justiça."

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 1+ y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Art Entertaiment View more

Brazilian Portuguese ❤️

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Marjorie Estiano, Brazilian actress, singer and songwriter.

In this photo she plays Carolina, a doctor in the series Sob Pressão/Under Pressure.

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Mariguella 2019

Facing a violent military dictatorship and an intimidated opposition, writer-turned-politician Carlos Marighella articulates a resistance all the while ousting heinous crimes of torture and the infamous censorship instituted by the regime.

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Art Road Trip View more

Esse filme ❤️

Central do Brasil 1998

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Under pressure 2017

Inside a chaotic emergency room in Rio de Janeiro, a team of doctors are torn between their internal personal conflicts, the difficulties of the profession and the surprising dramas behind each patient's history, in a heroic attempt to save lives. A talented surgeon and a faith-driven doctor will find strength in each other to face this extremely harsh routine.

#atençãoasaude #health #salud #saude #medicina #medicine #medicos #emergency #emergencia #brasil #Brazil #Rio de Janeiro

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Aruanas 2019

Three idealistic friends set up Aruana, an NGO that investigates the activities of a mining company operating in the Amazon rainforest. It is a place of harsh reality where strange events occur. The activists, each one following their own investigative leads, have come up with a plethora of evidence revealing environmental crimes. While these women unravel a dangerous web of crimes and secrets, they also must deal with their own ghosts and personal dramas.

#nature #amazonas #Amazonia #Amazon rainforest #brasil #Brazil #series

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Reflexões de um Liquidificador 2010

This Brazilian comedy is more than you expected.

In São Paulo, the middle-aged housewife and taxidermist Elvira reports to the police that her husband Onofre is missing. The chief of police assigns the snoopy and inconvenient Detective Fuinha to investigate the disappearance of Onofre. The lonely Elvira talks to her blender that recalls the time when Elvira and Onofre have a small establishment where "he" prepares the juices that are served over a counter. When Onofre and Elvira are forced to close the bar, they bring the blender to their simple kitchen. Elvira uses to talk to the blender while Onofre seeks a job. He finds a position of night watchman and one day Onofre takes the blender with him telling that he would buy a new one. When Onofre returns home, he brings the same appliance back and the blender does not talk to Elvira. She pushes him and the blender tells that Onofre has an affair with a nurse and they have spent the day on the beach. On the next morning, Elvira follows Onofre and she sees her husband meeting his mistress on the beach. In the night, Onofre has a great surprise while sleeping and the blender has to work a lot.

Ceará • Portuguese, English 2y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Art Television Filmmaking View more

Pernambuco em um dos maiores festivais do cinema mundial! O documentário ‘Retratos Fantasmas’, dirigido por Kleber Mendonça Filho (Bacurau), terá sua estreia mundial no Festival de Cannes 2023.

O filme se passa no centro do Recife, no passado e agora, entre o Cinema Veneza, em duas pontes e o Cine São Luiz. 🇧🇷


Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

Latino-culture Art View more

Ana Cláudia 🥰Quintana é perfeita! Amo todos os livros dela.


Curitiba • Spanish, Portuguese, English 2y
Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Unidade Básica (2016)

Inspired by real cases, the series takes place in a Basic Health Unit (UBS) in São Paulo, Brazil, and brings stories of challenges faced by two physicians who have different views on the performance in the UBS.

#brasil #Brazil #healthcare #saude #saudepública #atençãoasaude #SUS #DefendaOSUS #salud

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Travel Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

The boy and the World (2013)

A little boy goes on an adventurous quest in search of his father.

The animation was written and directed by the Brasilian Alê Abreu

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

A Fantastic Woman (2017)

Somewhere in Santiago at a dimly-lit nightclub, Orlando, the kindly and well-off owner of a textile company, locks eyes with Marina, a hopeful singer and the roughly half-his-age love of his life. But, unfortunately, after Marina's birthday celebration and a night of passion, Orlando falls gravely ill--and by the following morning--he dies in hospital. In the wake of her companion's untimely death, Marina will soon realise that, from now on, everything is brought into question: her involvement in Orlando's death, their unconventional relationship; and above all, her right to mourn her beloved deceased. In the end, what was Marina's crime; a deed so hideous that would rob a fantastic woman of her respect, her dignity, and ultimately, her identity?

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Filmmaking View more

High Fidelity (2020)

"A fan of music, pop culture, and Top Five lists runs a local record store in her hometown. An adaptation of Nick Hornby's novel "High Fidelity"

Fun fact: Zoë Kravitz's mother, Lisa Bonet, was in the movie version of High Fidelity with John Cusack, playing one of Cusack's love interests. This time, Kravitz is playing the John Cusack role.

This is such a great show, I wish more people would talk about it!

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