Sometimes I miss it …
Recordando las mateadas en Londres con todas las yerbas que nos regalaban nuestros amigos de #casaargentina
#mateada #londres #london #argentinosenlondon #uk #yerba #mate #juntada
#mateada #londres #london #argentinosenlondon #uk #yerba #mate #juntada
Let's learn a little about one of my favorite cuisines in the world: Greek
(Image credit: The Greeks love eating and the Grecian love for food is well known all over the world. Their cuisine is all about a variety of tastes, aroma, flavors, colors, and textures. Their food is healthy, delicious and fun to prepare. In fact, they’re so passionate about their food that it is believed […]
Fotón en Primrose Hill con la hermosa vista de Londres
#Paseo #park #primrose #primrosehill #primrosehillpark #londres #london #uk #amigos #friends #unitedkingdom #reinounido #greatbritain #granbretaña #england #inglaterra
El sitio de viajes TripAdvisor enlista los restaurantes que podrían cambiar tu definición de 'cena con vista'
One of my favorite classes in the UK dance studios are Erica's!
Bringing on the latino vibes into Europe!