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Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

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Madres Paralelas (2021)

Dirección de Pedro Almodóvar

Dos mujeres coinciden en una habitación de hospital donde van a dar a luz. Ambas están solteras y se quedaron embarazadas por accidente. Janis, de mediana edad, no se arrepiente y está exultante. La otra, Ana, una adolescente, está asustada, arrepentida y traumatizada. Janis intenta animarla mientras pasean por los pasillos del hospital. Las pocas palabras que intercambien en esas horas crearán un vínculo muy estrecho entre las dos, que por casualidad se desarrolla y se complica, afectando a sus vidas de forma decisiva.

El gran destaque de Madres Parelelas está en el trasfondo de la acción: Almodóvar amarra la historia de esas dos madres en un escenario de disputa sobre memoria y ancestralidad, en una discusión que muestra las aún no curadas heridas de la Guerra Civil española (1936 - 1939) que resultó en la ascensión del franquismo.

#cinelatino #peliculas

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

🇧🇷 Brazil Music Travel Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Faroeste Caboclo/Brazilian Western (2013) is an adaptation of the eponymous song by Renato Russo a famous Brazilian singer and composer who in the style of Bob Dylan knew how to delight crowds by telling stories and singing with his lyrics The adaptation precipitated a both social and romantic drama with a tragic ending. Focusing on the love story of outlaw Joao do Santo Cristo with Architecture major student Maria Lucia, the movie takes place in Brasilia in the early 80s. In a clash of interest, drug dealers and the police conflict with one another, while the end of the military dictatorship in the Capital of Brazil, Brasilia takes place. The wanderings and tedium of a young rocker, who lived in a city still being built, are the backdrop for this story.

#cinemanacional #cinemabrasileiro #cinema #musicabrasileira

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

Music Latino-culture Art Entertaiment Brazilian Carnival View more

Carnaval já começando!

Qual o seu hit preferido?

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

🇧🇷 Brazil Music Latino-culture Art Entertaiment Brazilian Carnival View more
Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

🇧🇷 Brazil Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

The life of Elis Regina, undoubtedly one of the greatest Brazilian singer of all time, is told in this biopic film with energetic and pulsating rhythm.

#musicapopularbrasileira #MPB #musicanacional #musicabrasileira #Elis Regina

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

A vida de Cazuza também é celebrada no filme O Tempo Não Para de 2004!

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

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The singer, composer, poet and rebellious son, began his career in music as vocalist of the band Barão Vermelho.

In 1985, Barão Vermelho was one of the major national highlights of the first edition of Rock In Rio. The presentation coincided with the day of the election of Tancredo Neves, which would end the military dictatorship.

In the same year, Cazuza began his solo career, with numerous hits enshrined in national music.

In 1989, the singer publicly declared to be HIV positive, seeking to help raise awareness of the disease.

Cazuza died at the age of 32 in 1990, but his legacy will be eternal.

#musicaurbana #musicanacional #musicabrasileira #Cazuza #brasil #Brazil #Rock in Rio #MPB #musicapopularbrasileira

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Cazuza: Time Doesn't Stop (2004)

The life and times of Cazuza, Brazilian singer/poet/enfant terrible, from his start with rock group "Barão Vermelho", to his death in 1990, showing his career, love affairs, and involvement with drugs.

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

Music Latino-culture Art Entertaiment View more

The singer, composer, poet and rebellious son, began his career in music as vocalist of the band Barão Vermelho.

In 1985, Barão Vermelho was one of the major national highlights of the first edition of Rock In Rio. The presentation coincided with the day of the election of Tancredo Neves, which would end the military dictatorship.

In the same year, Cazuza began his solo career, with numerous hits enshrined in national music.

In 1989, the singer publicly declared to be HIV positive, seeking to help raise awareness of the disease.

Cazuza died at the age of 32 in 1990, but his legacy will be eternal.

#musicaurbana #musicanacional #musicabrasileira #Cazuza #brasil #Brazil #Rock in Rio #MPB #musicapopularbrasileira

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

Music Latino-culture Art View more
Curitiba • Spanish, Portuguese, English 2y

Music Art Women Writing View more

Maria Bethânia (born 18 June, 1946 in Santo Amaro da Purificação, Bahia, Brazil) is a Brazilian singer, poet and songwriter. She is the second best selling Brazilian female singer of all time, with more than 24 million albums sold, considered to be one of the greatest interpreters in the history of Brazilian popular music.

#musicanacional #musicapopularbrasileira #musicabrasileira #MPB #MariaBetânia #Maria Bethânia #brasil #Brazil #arte

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Travel Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Los Lobos (2019)

Dos niños de ocho y cinco años viajan con su madre de México a Albuquerque en busca de una vida mejor. Mientras esperan que ella vuelva del trabajo, los niños observan su nuevo e inseguro barrio desde la ventana, aprenden inglés con cintas de casete, y desean que pueda cumplir su prometida de llevarlos a Disneyland.

#peliculas #cine #cinelatino #cinema

Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

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Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

🇧🇷 Brazil Music Food Travel Latino-culture Art Entertaiment Adventure Road Trip Brazilian Carnival View more

Top 10 places to celebrate Carnival in Brazil!

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

🇧🇷 Brazil Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

Zé is a very poor man from the Brazilian countryside. His most prized possession is his donkey. When his donkey falls terminally ill, Zé makes a promise to Saint Bárbara: If his donkey recovers, he will carry a cross - like Jesus - all the way from his city to Saint Bárbara's church in the state capital. Upon the recover of his donkey, Zé leaves on his journey. He makes it to the church, but the priest refuses to accept the cross once he came to know the context of Zé's promise, that was made in a Candomblé session, dedicated to the goddess Yansan.

History shows the strength of a humble man’s faith and all the dangers involving situations of religious intolerance.

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Travel Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more
Vitória Da Conquista • Spanish 2y

🇧🇷 Brazil Music Latino-culture Art Entertaiment View more

Cazuza, a great Brazilian singer who's stile mix bossa nova music with 1960's British and American rock. He composed and recorded his first solo album in 1985, a record known for its biting, sarcastic tone and lyrics.

#musicaurbana #musicanacional #musicabrasileira #MPB #musicapopularbrasileira #Cazuza

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

City of Men / Cidade dos Homens (2007)

The best buddies Acerola and Laranjinha, about to turn 18, discover things about their missing fathers' pasts which will shatter their solid friendship, in the middle of a war between rival drug gangs from Rio's favelas.

#brasil #cinemabrasileiro #brasilianfilms #afrobrasilero #artebrasileira #cinemanacional #cinema #cinelatino #Rio de Janeiro

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

'Estou Me Guardando Para Quando o Carnaval Chegar' o documentário de Marcelo Gomes.

A pequena cidade de Toritama, no Agreste pernambucano, é considerada a capital nacional do jeans. A cada ano, mais de 20 milhões de jeans são produzidos em fábricas de fundo de quintal pelos moradores da cidade. Quando chega o Carnaval, eles vendem seus eletrodomésticos e outros pertences e fogem para as praias, a cidade fica deserta. Aproveitar o carnaval é a prioridade.

#brasil #documentary #documental #Documentário

Porto Alegre • Portuguese, English 2y

Music Latino-culture Art Television Movies Filmmaking View more

'Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho' (2014)

Leonardo, um adolescente cego, tenta lidar com a mãe superprotetora ao mesmo tempo em que busca sua independência. Quando Gabriel chega na cidade, novos sentimentos começam a surgir em Leonardo, fazendo com que ele descubra mais sobre si mesmo.

#brasil #LGBTQI+

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