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🇺🇸 United States Travel Places Fun View more

Humor de jueves por la noche jugando con el gato del vecino! 🐈‍⬛

#humor #chiste #chistes #gato #gatos #felinos #ron #justforfun #marvista #losangeles #california #usa

🇺🇸 United States Latino-culture Soccer Los Ángeles Fun View more

Les compartimos esta increíble merienda haciendo el desafío Tim Tam que si no probaron estas galletitas australianas, no saben lo que se están perdiendo! 🤤 y con las mejores tazas de Cook Para Ti Plus ⭐️ @Camila

#timtam #timtamcookies #timtamchallenge #cookies #galletitas #galletas #galletastimtam #desafiotimtam #merienda #cookparati #cookparatiplus

🇺🇸 United States Food Businesses Travel Places View more

Acompañanos en este hermoso paseo por el Pike Place Public Market de Seattle, una parada obligada si visitas esta ciudad 🇺🇸 @Camila

#pikeplacemarket #pikeplace #seattle #viajar #travel #washington #washingtonstate #market #mercado #farmersmarket

🇦🇷 Argentina Food Places Fun View more

Pronto estaremos visitando a nuestras familias que mientras tanto se juntan a comer y se divierten sin nosotros 😂 @Camila

#familia #family #love #argentina #padres #abuelos #buenosaires #cena #amor

🇦🇷 Argentina Travel Places Fun View more

Foto de la primera vez que me subí a un avión.. viaje a Córdoba con mis viejos y mi hermana ✈️

Quien diría que vendrían tantos viajes en avión con los años…

#avion #aviones #viajar #travel #cordoba #provinciadecordoba #carlospaz #argentina #turismo

El Primer Starbucks que nació frente al Pike Place Market de Seattle ☕️ @Camila

#starbucks #coffee #starbuckscoffee #coffeeshop #store #primerstarbucks #pikeplacemarket #seattle #washington #washingtonstate

Vimos que todos hacían pelotudeces en Seven Magic Mountains y ahí nos sumamos 😅Igual les comparto un poco de la historia…

“Created by New York’s Art Production Fund and the Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Seven Magic Mountains was four years and slightly over $3 million in the making. The work’s location half an hour outside of Las Vegas draws both locals and tourists outside of the city limits to appreciate not just art, but nature.With its combination of rough stone and brilliant color, Seven Magic Mountains can be viewed as the missing link between the rock formations that created the Vegas Valley and the glowing, technicolor city that rose up within it. The bright towers bring a smile to visitors’ faces, but the trip and the time away from the nonstop overstimulation of Las Vegas also offers calm to the mind”. (Fuente: @Camila

#sevenmagicmountains #piedrasdecolores #vegas #lasvegas #roadtrip #rumboavegas #nevada

Video que me mandó una amiga desde Villa Devoto con el tremendo temporal que azotó Buenos Aires, así quedó el auto del vecino! 😬

#temporal #cambioclimatico #viento #tormenta #weather #villadevoto #buenosaires #argentina

“Peggy Sue’s is a very tasty diner decked out all fifties style. The original roadside diner was built in 1954 out of railroad ties and mortar from the nearby Union Pacific Rail yard. Back then it consisted of nine counter stools and only three booths. The current owners, Peggy Sue and her husband, Champ, reopened it in 1987. Peggy Sue worked in the movies while Champ was formerly employed at Knott’s Berry Farm. In addition to dishing out great meals, they also showcase their collection of movie memorabilia at the restaurant. The two have expanded the original diner into the tourist stop it is today!Upon entering the diner, you are greeted by Betty Boop, who is ready to seat you. To your left is a gift shop with all sorts of kitschy items and to the right is the restaurant which is covered in pictures, statues, and other things from the fifties. Posters and statues of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, the Blues Brothers, and Santa on holiday are just some of the items you can find within the restaurant. Menu items include the King Kong Monster Burger, the Marlon Brando Mushroom Cheeseburger, the Buddy Holly Bacon Cheeseburger, Elvis Presley Shakes and Malts, and the Frankie Avalon Philly Steak Sandwich. Other menu items are named after Tina Turner, Richard Nixon, Chubby Checker, the Big Bopper, James Dean, etc”. (Fuente:

#rumboavegas #yermo #vegas #lasvegas #peggysue #peggysuesdiner #restaurant #historicrestaurant #nevada #california #peggysues50sdiner @Camila

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