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Chandigarh • English 5M

Digital Orion SEO is hailed as the best SEO company in Chandigarh, offering top-tier digital marketing solutions to elevate your business's online presence. Our expert team specializes in crafting customized SEO strategies, including targeted keyword optimization, quality backlink creation, and comprehensive local SEO, designed to boost your search engine rankings and drive organic traffic. With a focus on delivering measurable results, Digital Orion SEO is the best choice for businesses looking to dominate the digital landscape in Chandigarh. Trust us to take your brand to new heights.

Dinheiro é uma ferramenta poderosa, e quando usado com propósito, pode nos ajudar a construir a vida que desejamos.

E você, o que fez com o maior salário que já recebeu? Conta pra gente!

#FinançasPessoais #PlanejamentoFinanceiro #Investimentos #EducaçãoFinanceira #inteligenciafinanceira #carreira #sucesso #dinheiro #experiências #futuro

🇧🇷 Brazil Commodities And Futures Exchange Company Doctors Financial Advisors Financial Planning fund management company Investment Funds Investment Plans Medical Law Multiple Purpose Financial Company View more

Um dia eu estava no plantão e um senhor se apresentou.

Seu rosto era calmo, cabelos brancos, um pouco franzino e com olheiras nos olhos. Ao me cumprimentar, suas mãos tremiam um pouco.

Foi quando percebi: ele estava de jaleco e com um crachá escrito "Médico".Imediatamente me assustei e me peguei me perguntando: "O que leva esse senhor a continuar trabalhando no hospital?"

As horas do plantão ao lado do senhor deram diversas oportunidades de conversarmos. Até que ele descobriu que eu tinha conhecimento de finanças, foi quando ele me pediu ajuda em questões de Imposto de Renda.

O segundo susto chegou. O senhor tinha 70 anos, uma renda mensal de aproximadamente 32 mil reais e continuava trabalhando para conseguir pagar suas contas. Seus gastos eram altos, seus filhos ainda não trabalhavam, estavam terminando de se formar… Claro, estavam se formando em medicina também.

Entretanto, a imagem do senhor de 70 anos com responsabilidades tão grandes ainda me causa arrepios até hoje.

Por isso eu nunca esqueço da minha regra pessoal: "Se Pague Primeiro", ou o seu eu do futuro vai pagar essa conta.

#Investimentos #carreiramédica #finanças

🇧🇷 Brazil Commodities And Futures Exchange Company Doctors Financial Advisors Financial Planning fund management company Investment Funds Investment Plans Medical Law Multiple Purpose Financial Company View more
Setor Marista • Spanish, Portuguese, English 5M

Child Psychiatrist Child Psychologist Counseling & Mental Health Fitness & Nutrition Nutritionists Psychiatrists Psychoanalysts Psychologists Psychosocial And Health Assistance For People With Mental Disorders, Mental Disabilities And Chemical Dependency Psychosocial Assistance Center Psychotechnical Tests Psychotherapists View more

Escolher a psicoterapia em vez da automedicação é investir em uma solução mais profunda e duradoura para sua saúde mental, enquanto a automedicação pode oferecer um alívio passageiro e esconder riscos, a psicoterapia explora as raízes dos seus desafios emocionais e cognitivos.

Na psicoterapia, você trabalha com um profissional para entender e transformar padrões de pensamento e comportamento, e dessa forma você não só alivia os sintomas, mas também promove habilidades e estratégias para enfrentar futuros desafios com mais confiança e resiliência. É uma jornada de autoconhecimento e crescimento, que oferece um caminho sólido para um bem-estar emocional duradouro.

Claro, talvez o auxílio da medicação seja necessário, e avaliaremos isso com o apoio de um médico especializado. Ok?

Então que tal marcar a sua primeira sessão? Assim você está escolhendo uma abordagem fundamentada e segura para melhorar sua qualidade de vida da forma como você deseja e merece

Shirlei Rezende - CRP 09/17435

Psicóloga clínica

#terapia #medicação #psicoterapia

🇧🇷 Brazil Child Psychiatrist Child Psychologist Counseling & Mental Health Fitness & Nutrition Nutritionists Psychiatrists Psychoanalysts Psychologists Psychosocial And Health Assistance For People With Mental Disorders, Mental Disabilities And Chemical Dependency Psychosocial Assistance Center Psychotechnical Tests Psychotherapists View more

Encontrar o equilíbrio em um relacionamento amoroso pode ser desafiador, especialmente quando se trata de manter sua individualidade enquanto constrói uma conexão profunda com o outro.

É importante lembrar que estar em um relacionamento não significa se perder na outra pessoa, mas sim compartilhar a jornada enquanto cada um mantém sua própria identidade.

O crescimento pessoal e o respeito pela individualidade são essenciais para que ambos os parceiros se sintam valorizados e realizados, assim , o relacionamento se torna um espaço seguro onde cada um pode ser autêntico e verdadeiro.

Para isso, a comunicação assertiva é uma das ferramentas mais poderosas para alcançar esse equilíbrio, ela engloba falar abertamente sobre necessidades, limites e expectativas ajuda a construir uma base de confiança e respeito mútuo

Shirlei Rezende -CRP 09/17435

Psicóloga clínica

#terapia #psicoterapia #relacionamentoamoroso

Em meio à busca pelo sucesso profissional, é comum ignorar os sinais de cansaço extremo, acreditando que eles são apenas parte do processo. No entanto, quando a dedicação constante se transforma em exaustão, é importante reconhecer que o caminho para o burnout pode estar mais próximo do que parece.Estar atento aos sinais sutis — como a perda de motivação, o esgotamento emocional e a dificuldade de se desconectar do trabalho — é essencial para preservar seu bem-estar.

Equilibrar sucesso e saúde mental é um desafio, mas é possível com algumas estratégias: estabeleça limites claros entre trabalho e descanso e não hesite em pedir apoio quando necessário.

Pequenos ajustes na rotina, como pausas regulares, atividades que promovam o relaxamento e o cultivo de hobbies, podem fazer uma grande diferença na manutenção do equilíbrio.

E não se esqueça, o sucesso verdadeiro é aquele que vem acompanhado de saúde e satisfação pessoal, também!

Shirlei Rezende - CRP 09/17435
Psicóloga clínica

#burnout #saudemental #terapia
A zona de conforto parece segura, mas ela também pode ser o que te impede de crescer!

Sair desse espaço, ainda que seja desconfortável no início, é essencial para alcançar o seu potencial.

Mas como? Começar aos poucos, se permitindo encarar o medo da mudança. Você já está pronto(a) para descobrir do que é capaz?

Então não deixe de me seguir, ativar o sininho e ficar atento aos próximos conteúdos.

Rossana Cardoso
Psicóloga Clínica
CRP 09/17429

#terapia #psicoterapia #saudemental
Story Café: café com aroma de inovação #coffee #networking #coworking
Goiânia • Portuguese 5M
Um dos municípios mais lindo do Brasil, está em Goiás, essa é uma das belezas naturais da chapada dos viadeiros, venha conhecer
Regulando a ansiedade através dos pensamentos!

#ansiedad #ansiedade #terapia #Tcc
Venha desenvolver o máximo potencial do seu cérebro com as nossa sessões de #neuromodula
Berea • English 5M

We buy houses Ohio with a hassle-free process, making selling your home simple and stress-free.

At Skymount we buy houses, in any condition—no repairs, fees, or commissions required.

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Panchkula • English 5M

The Uses of PTR and PTS Calculators in PCD Pharma:

Learn how to enhance pricing strategies, optimize PTR PTS calculations, and leverage data-driven decisions for improved profitability.


Of all the manufacturing processes that are implemented in a foundry, the zinc casting process is the most tried and tested process. Owing to its superb mechanical properties and the ease of casting, zinc has held its ground in being a material for making structures in diverse industries from automobiles to electronics and home appliances. The zinc casting process includes a number of advantages like low costs and high rate of production as well as the use of高度 precision complex geometries.

To know more about Zinc Casting-

What is Zinc Casting?Zinc Casting focuses on zinc alloys, in particular casting alloys zinc alloys, and casting techniques for manufacturing zinc alloy cast parts which do. It consists in that heated alloy, usually called zamak, is injected in concealed designs. One method of zinc casting is die casting, which is the most produced process. It is known as a process where molten zinc is injected in toward the die making it the shape of the casting that is desired. Such dies are manufactured to ensure rapid reproduction of identical, accurate components as many times as required. It is also possible to employ zinc casting by use of gravity casting but that is where molten zinc is poured into the cavity without pressure. Die casting however is the most common method used in mass production.Zinc: Why is it Preferable to Use it in the Process of Casting?Zinc possesses many properties that positively influence its use as a cast metal. Low melting temperature and very good fluidity as well as the possibility of making thin walled and highly detailed parts makes it suitable for die casting. On top of that, the strength, corrosion resistance and dimensional stability of zinc alloys make sure that the components produced are extremely durable. Below are the reasons why zinc is widely used in casting.Low Melting PointZinc can readily be melted and casted due to its relatively low melting temperature which is approximately (419.5°C or 787.1°F ). It also has major advantage especially in mass production as it lowers the production cost. This is because less energy is required to liquefy the material as opposed to liquefying other metals like aluminum or steel.High PrecisionWith zinc foundry there is no problem in making parts having tight tolerances as well as very intricate features that may be problematic to make on other metals. This is why zinc casting is useful in the making of high precision parts like gears, housings and sockets since accuracy of the components clover space is of advantage.Corrosion ResistanceZinc and other metals containing zinc are very resistant to corrosion and therefore they can be used in areas or sites which will be exposed to wet or aggressive conditions. The strength makes sure that should any zinc-cast fittings be required in the harsh engineering environments such as automotives the fittings will last long.Superior Strength and DurabilityAmong other advantages, zinc alloys and especially those employed in casting possesses a high strength and impact resistance. Zinc casted components bear mechanical loads and frictional forces and are therefore useful in various functional components of machines, electronics, and so on.Cost EfficiencyBecause of low melting temperature of zinc and the capacity to be cast rapidly, the processes are very economical. Furthermore, the quality and consistency of the die casting moulds means that there is hardly any raw material wasting in mass production of parts.The Zinc Die Casting ProcessMelting the ZincThe first step towards casting zinc is to melt the zinc or zinc alloy into a furnace. When this material turns into the required molten condition, it is ready for injection into the die.Injecting the Molten ZincThe liquidized zinc is then introduced into the prepared steel cavity (die) at a very high pressure. The pressure makes it possible for the liquidized zinc to occupy all voids and detail features in the die to make a perfect counterpart of the internal structure of the die.Cooling and Solidification After the mold filling is completed, the zinc metal, because it has a lower melting temperature as compared to iron, solidifies within a very short time. As soon as the part is completely solidified, the die is removed from the machine and the part is taken out or ejected.Trimming and Finishing After ejection, any material or flash that is protruding from the edges of the part would be removed by trimming or finishing processes. Depending on the looks and the requirement of the part, it is also subjected to various surface treatments that include polishing, coating and plating after manufacturing. Quality Control The parts procured in the last step are checked for whether the final product specifications and quality are met. This checking may include measurements of dimensions, tolerances and parts finish of the component for uniformity even in mass production.Approaches in Handling the Zinc Alloys in Casting.Casting also uses several alloys, which are all Zinc-based alloys possessing properties suitable for their respective functions. There are primarily three types, which are commonly used ZINC CASTING ALLOYS:Zamak (Zinc, Aluminum, Magnesium and Copper)Zamak alloys are one of the most commonplace zinc alloys used in zinc casting. They have great dimensional stability, strength and resistance to a corrosive environment rendering them suited for complex high-precision parts. Zamak alloys find broader applications in automotive sectors, electronics, and consumer goods.ZA Alloys (Zinc and Aluminum)These zinc-aluminum alloys include more amounts of aluminum contents than Zamak alloys availing the castings to be much stronger and harder. Applications of ZA145 alloy are found in wear resistance components like mechanical components, gears and bearings.Zinc Aluminum Copper AlloysIt possesses properties like strength, ductility and good corrosion resistance enabling this alloy to be used on thin light structural and industrial parts.Benefits of Zinc CastingThere are several benefits usually associated with zinc casting in contrast with other methods of casting zinc.•       High Rate of Production: It is probably the most dominant mass producing method of making parts as the whole process is very quick.•       Minimal Machining: There is a lot of precision in the molds and as a consequence very few and mostly no further operations are required for parts from zinc base alloys reducing the lead time and cost.·        Recyclability: Most of the zinc components in a zinc cast can be recovered and reused, hence reducing the adverse impacts of manufacturing processes on the environment.·        Complex Shapes: With the great flow properties of zinc, it is possible to produce intricate thin wall shapes which may be difficult, if not impossible, when using other materials.

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